Thursday, November 10, 2016

Amazing Win!!

I think I speak for many when I say Nov 8th was one of the most stressful and exciting days of my life. We all knew the polls were wrong. We came together to form a coalition of support, bringing together members from all segments of our society. Gays, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Amish…I even saw Chihuahuas! We bonded over a common belief, that we as a society are better off together, forming long lasting bonds of understanding and a willingness to help. Social media gave us the “real” news, which allowed us to parse those shocking and incredible revelations about the DNC, and forward them to the world to see. Our own “branding” of the new direction of the Republican Party (as it stands now…) enabled us to make others see we were sick and tired of the status quo. That politics as usual was not flying anymore. The the GOPe was dead and that we were taking over.

No one gave us a shot. As the results rolled in, pundit after pundit claimed with glee that Donald J. Trump was only winning the states he was supposed to win. Pointing out that the formidable Blue Wall was virtually impenetrable. The Deplorables stay on task and forwarded our message, encouring everyone to do their part by getting out the vote. MAGA3x. Bring your friends and neighbors, your family…everyone you care about to the polls.

And as the dust settled, WE were victorious. WE brought victory home! WE provided the push and the enthusiasm. The Silent Majority joined our fight, and WE won. I am so proud to have been on the front lines with all of you.

Donald J. Trump did the impossible and will likely go down in history as running the most remarkable presidential campaign ever. President-Elect Trump. Has a great ring, doesn't it? Soon to be President Trump…

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